Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another midweek visit!

Wow! Another midweek visit from my hubby! He's on his way through Iowa and decided to sleep at home tonight! Unfortunately, I am not feeling all that well. I don't know if I ate something bad, or if I have a tummy virus or something. So, the goofball won't even kiss me! :(

I decided to put Jeff's company in the phone book! I got the current book in the mail the other day, glancing at the "Trucking" heading and realized we needed to be there! So, I called a girlfriend of mine and put an ad in for the next book in the area coming out, and will plan to also do the local book as well! I can't believe after working for a phone book for 7 years, I forgot about getting him in there! DUH! Oh well, it's done now! LOL

The kids are good, not much school this week due to the weather and drifting roads, I think they'll be in school til the 4th of July! HA! Logan called tonight and wants me to come get him tomorrow as they don't have school Friday. So, I will go get him after I get to the courthouse to file papers to evict the tenants! I will also hopefully have my computer internet ready by tomorrow night! I hate being cut out of the outside world! UGH!

Well, I really don't have much more tonight-I hope everyone is well!

God Bless!
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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