Saturday, February 23, 2008

Time keeps on ticking....but where the heck is Spring???

Another week gone by, and we're expecting MORE snow. ICK. Dozer is about the only one in the family that loves it-with ALL of his breeds (he is a mix of Alaskan Husky, Yellow Lab, Golden Retriever & get this.....St. Bernard!), this is his kind of weather! He stays outside all day and when he does come in-he wants back out! JEEZ! Crazy dog.

Today, Jared & I took down some cabinets that separated the kitchen & living room....WOW, what a difference! It makes the space seem SO much bigger! If I could take out the cupboards underneath, without having to redo the flooring, I'd do that too! Now, I REALLY need to paint the ceiling where it was, along with a small part of the wall. But, I can deal with that for awhile....well, a few days anyway! LOL I am just enjoying the open feeling right now!

I've tried ALL week to get on the internet with my PC, but it has to go to the computer doctor. After all the money Jeff dumped into it-the damn thing doesn't even have an internal modem! DUH! So, I guess it will only cost about 50 to get me on the internet with it.....MORE than worth it! I will be connected with the outside world again during the week! YAY!

The tenants haven't yet moved out, supposed to be gone by tomorrow night. THEN, I will be staying busy for a week or two! I forgot to call the paper and get an ad in, but will do it first thing Monday. Then, off to buy paint and cleaning crap & radio in tow, I'll be next door! They were smokers, so I am sure I'll have to paint the ceiling and all. Any volunteers? LOL!!!! But, one good thing, I will need to rent a rug doctor, so I can do my own as well!
Well, I think that's about all for now-hope you are all well!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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