Saturday, February 9, 2008

I had just gotten started!

I know! I had just gotten started and Jeff takes the computer out in the truck for a WEEK! GRRR! This would be an example of life in my world! In addition to no computer, I also had no car-the alternator went out. So, with the storm as well, I had no tv (satellite!), my cell went bonkers, no car, no computer. Talk about feeling STRANDED! My wonderful neighbor helped me out with a ride for smokes (I have my priorities!!) LOL, well, I needed coffee as well! But, I made it through, almost done with the blanket I am crocheting and managed to get all the roses Jeff has ever given me preserved & framed!
I mentioned last week that Amanda has a new "love"....well, stick my foot in my mouth! She got her little heart broke this week! In the meantime, Jared took on a new girlfriend! UGH! The one thing I have decided is to NOT try to predict them! (Especially publicly-such as a Blog! LOL)

I did have a wonderful surprise this week! A friend of mine drove all the way out here...IN A STORM! and brought me 3 beautiful roses! The card said "One for each year we've been friends" What a sweetie!!! They are gorgeous-one pink, one lavender and one white! I love them! And I fully intend to preserve them, and frame them as well! She is expecting this summer, and I think I am more excited for baby than she is! LOL

Well, I promised updates on extended families! I'll start with mine!
Many of you know of Troy & my mom. Well, they have decided to eliminate me from their lives, so there is really nothing more I am choosing to say on that subject.
In late September, Jeff & I were married in my dad's back yard! It was absolutely wonderful! Vicky (I'll refer to her as Mom) made my day exceptionally special! I am working on getting a couple of wedding pictures on here-my 2 brothers, Nathan & Christopher, as well as my sister Dani were also there to make our day awesome! But, from my side (well, other than my kids of course!) that was all that I had...and all that I needed! My Dad & Mom's yard was so perfect for a small wedding! We had a BLAST! Laughed the entire day. Isn't that what it is all supposed to be anyway, a lot of fun?!?! My brother-in-law Derek, Dani's hubby, married us, which made it extra special. Jamie was there of course! I think she cried through the whole service! HA! Jeff's sisters Dawn & her kids were there, Ann & of course Mackenzie were also there. And Jeff's Mom was naturally there, and we all had a really great time! We honeymooned at Lake Wisconsin in the best 70's flashback cabin!!! It was a lot of fun and we even made it up to the Dells for a day!
As for Mom & Dad, they are doing well, Mom is working as she always does at tax time and Dad is planning to retire in October! He knows as well as all of us kids however....we'll all keep him busy with projects!
Update on Jeff's side...
Jeff's Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in October. At that time, they had given her 6-9 months. I believe in the power of prayer, and don't believe that God would give me such an awesome mother-in-law and then take her from me so soon! She is not in pain, but is to be with someone 24/7, in case of a fall. She tends to have short-term memory loss, but she is doing well! I've asked many for prayers, and will continue to ask for that!
Jeff's niece, Mackenzie, who lived with us during 2007, has moved back to town and is attending her old school. She can be closer to her mom that way, and is with her friends. Upon her leaving, I felt as if I was losing one of my own children! It broke my heart, and caused a "kink" in the family, but we'll work that little kink out!

Around Christmas time, I made a special trip into the office that I worked at for 7 years, talk about awkward! I walked those halls for so many years, and then after 1 1/2yrs, to walk through there again was for sure WEIRD! I had lunch with 3 of the ladies that I worked with everyday, and had a very short, but very nice visit
with them! I must say-I had fun, saw a lot of people that I had missed seeing on a daily basis (and even a few faces I could have done without LOL)! I stopped at a very dear friend's desk and talked for quite a long time, it was incredible to see her! I really must stress to everyone-don't let those that you love slip from your lives! This life is way too short for harboring harsh/ugly feelings and regrets! A big giant hug from an old friend can be so healing! In so many ways! I don't intend to stay away quite as long this time! I really enjoyed my lunch and catch-up time!

Well, I have rambled plenty tonight! I am not sure as to when I will get another chance on the computer, so don't give up on me! LOL

God Bless to ALL!
A.K.A. The Truckers Wife

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