Saturday, February 16, 2008

Still hangin' in here!

Hello all! Well, another week gone by! Every week that passes is one closer to spring! YAY! The winter blahs have overcome me it seems, and I have been trying to act like a bear and sleep A LOT! This week, I did get some work done around the house, moved the living room around-that always seems to help...even the slightest bit of change! Today, we went to Jeff's mom's house and picked up a desk, and it works well in the living room now!! But, there are a few more things she wants us to have- I will find the room. It's so awesome having My Trucker home! I find myself missing him more every week that he's gone! I wonder if I will ever get used to having him gone all week? After all, we ARE still newlyweds! The end of this month will be 4 months! He brought me home my of those GIANT cards & a cute teddy bear! What a sweetheart I have! He even knew better than to bring me candy-as he knows I am trying to drop about 15 lbs!!!! GOOD BOY!

I did have a request on an update from my old blog....The Little Fighter! Alex, is doing WONDERFUL! It seems all that oxygen he received has made him TOO intelligent! He celebrated his first birthday in October and is cute as it gets! LOL, glad he's my nephew and not MINE! LOL!!! I thank you ALL for all your prayers for the little man, he's healthy as can be! Prayer DOES work! :) We actually had the opportunity to see him today while at Jeff's Mom's and I got him to giggle within a few minutes....I always KNEW I was funny looking! LOL! He's scared to death of Jeff....but he warms up to him after a bit.

Jamie has bought herself a mobile home! I'm so excited for her! She and her boy Keaton will be very comfy there, and closer to Keaton's school! I haven't had a chance to talk to her much, as she's not been feeling well (who IS????) and when she does feel well, she is working on painting & new carpet for the trailer! And, then, if she's healthy and not busy, I am sick or busy!

We have Logan this weekend, and since becoming an actual "teenager", he is "All That!" LOL! Jeff & I took him to lunch today and he said "I am finally a teenager, but STILL the baby!" Little goofball! I will go and watch him wrestle this Tuesday.....UGH. However, after the meet, I am going to go and "babysit" Jeff's mom! I am very excited to have some time with her! Today, she seemed to be Wearing out easily and I did notice her memory is fading quicker & quicker.

Tomorrow, we will go and see my niece Zoe Ireland be dedicated to the church! I am SO excited to finally meet her! That is IF I am feeling well, tonight my tummy seems upset and it seems the body aches are setting in.....NO! I refuse! LOL! But, that poor baby has been ill, and after many tests, including a spinal tap, they found out she had an intestinal infection. Ick! Very scary, but at least they figured it out and she's on a good path to being healthy!

Well, time to snuggle up with My Trucker and watch a movie! I am in the process of trying to get MY computer up and running so that I can Blog more often and be in touch with the world!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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