Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Midweek Surprise!

I love it when my trucker makes it home midweek! He makes me smile! Even brought me a little gift, and who says truckers aren't romantics? I for one, love hearing the truck running outside the trailer! I tend to sleep better...? He did get pulled over today however! LOL, the D.O.T. caught him doing 62 in a 55..hmmmmm. Imagine this-he only got a warning! A female officer, and Jeff is a natural flirt! What a punk! (Though I AM glad he didn't get a ticket!) And lucky for him, he had just updated all his paperwork (log book, etc) so everything was in order.

Ok, did anyone see that Lunar Eclipse??? What an awesome sight! I had an appointment in town tonight, so I had the privilege of watching it the whole way home! Amanda took some pictures, but I haven't had the time to get them on the computer yet! If they turn out, I will be sure to post them!

Well, if anyone knows of someone looking for a place to rent...send them my way! We had to evict our current tenants and will now be advertising the trailer that we own, on this same property. The kids & I will get in there as soon as we can to clean, paint and make sure all is working then we can hopefully move someone in soon!!! I will be putting an ad in the paper this weekend. This landlord stuff is all new to me, so a little scary! And it's "Whitaker's World" to have to evict our first tenants! UGH! Thank goodness the people we bought this place from are awesome and are helping me out with the legalities and keeping things in order! We are only about 25 minutes outside of the city, so it's very peaceful and not a bad commute! :)

I have been doing absolutely nothing the past few days! I did have to take my neighbor in to get her car, as she drives on what might as well be racing slicks, LOL, so she has no traction! I followed her home and I think I should have gone ahead of her to clear a path through the drifted highways! It was kind of funny watching her little Corolla going through them, then coming out in a fish tail! Tee-Hee, SORRY Marissa! I was then sick yesterday, down with a fever...ick. Headache (from HELL!), sore throat and body aches...but, slept until 1:00 today and felt better once I woke up! I feel a little better, but headache is not as intense, yet, my throat is just so dry.

Well, I suppose that is all I have for today! I hope this finds everyone HEALTHY! and most important-SAFE!!!!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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