Tuesday, February 5, 2008

An update to get started....

Hello to all! I have decided to start my writings again, I hope you all enjoy! I will start with updates on the kids & Jeff! Shawn is graduating college this spring and plans to head onto graduate school! So, between school & his gal, he stays pretty busy! Jeff, Shawn's mom, and myself are all VERY proud of him!! Jared is keeping busy with school work and the occasional trip to town with friends. He is girlfriend-free right now and plans to stay that way....at least until after Valentines Day! LOL Scott is doing well in school and is keeping himself busy with that as well as his Friday nights are planned out for video games with friends. Amanda has a new love, a wee bit older than she is, but we do like him! She finds herself busy with school, babysitting and "date" nights with Landon. There is one piece of big news with Amanda-Jeff will be adopting her legally! She is very excited and has already started to practice signing her new name! Logan is still living with his dad and has joined the wrestling team (NOT Mom's favorite sport...) but he's very excited about it! And Mom will truck through the ice & snow to go and watch him! I suppose that's why we own a 4-wheel drive!

Since putting in a new engine in Jeff's truck, he's been keeping the wheels rolling! The weather has slowed him down a bit this week, but has been driving hard since the beginning of the year!
We did have to put down our Elk. We had lost the 2 bulls & 1 bull-calf to a copper deficiency, so, after long consideration and tons of prayer-the right thing to do was to sell the 2 babies we had left and butchered out the females. After testing, found they were healthy.....enough to eat! YUM! We will again someday get a new herd, just too much going on in our lives for them right now. And for now-we have a freezer full of meat to keep us for awhile!

I have been keeping busy with crocheting. Keeps my mind occupied and time passes quickly. Being cooped up all winter has started to wear on me, thank God spring is just around the corner! I have been trying to decide which corner of the house I am going to fill up with starter plants for the garden, as well as planning plant placement for this year. I am thinking that after the awesome turn out of last years garden, this year I am going to extend it probably 10 feet! I will also be taking advantage of my mom's knowledge in the kitchen and do some canning this season!
I have also been puttering with some other of my crafty things, if you know me, you know how I love to do my wreaths & other arrangements!

My little sister Dani has just recently had her baby, Zoe Ireland! (isn't that a beautiful name!) I, however, have yet to see her! The "ick" that we have all been passing around has kept me from her, I am hopeful I'll get to see her before she starts preschool! LOL In looking at her pictures however, she looks an awful lot like Logan did when he was born! Nice and plump!

Jamie, my life-long best friend has been doing well! We keep each other entertained with the daily things that come our way. Though she is only 12 miles away, we do not see each other very often, but usually yak once or twice a day-keeping each other sane!!!

Dozer, our over-grown puppy just turned 1 year old and officially weighs in at 102 lbs! He craves attention and devours the largest bones I can buy! Morris & Tinker Bell keep him busy-taunting him ever chance they get!

I will be adding pictures over the next few days, so I hope that you all will check back in with me! I will, as time allows, also be filling everyone in on our extended families! I am excited to start blogging again, as I have missed writing! I plan to update as the entertainment rolls in; which in some cases is daily! I've found that in Whitaker's world...nothing stays the same for more than a day!

God Bless,
The Trucker's Wife!

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