Saturday, March 1, 2008

This would be our "puppy" playing with the kids! They brought it on themselves! LOL! They were wrestling with him on the floor and thought they'd be safe by hopping up to the couch...ummm-Dozer had a different plan! He's so funny! If you can tell, in the first picture, he was actually leaping on to the couch after them! Jeez! I keep trying to tell him he's NOT a lapdog, but he just won't hear of it! :)

Well, I have still been busy painting on and off-taking some breaks so I don't get sick of it before i have to go into that trailer and paint the whole thing! UGH! I went and got the appropriate papers filed with the courts, have my hearing this coming Wednesday! All this to get into our OWN property! Tenant rights are much more than landlord! I have noticed that the tenant has been over there moving more out, which will make my job easier when eviction day comes with the Sheriff! If she'd just turn in those keys to me before Wednesday, I won't have to go any further with the Sheriff involved! JEEZ!

Logan is here this weekend, being pretty good so far! I think he's a little bored, but Dozer is keeping him company. Of course, he didn't bring his snow boots or gloves or anything to go play outside in the snow! These kids are certainly not like we were! Man, if I didn't have my stuff to go outside in the winter, I got in trouble!

Jeff is off getting some tires for the truck & trailer. It sucks being married to a trucker, just because it's the weekend, he can't stop working! So, we don't see him anyway when he is in town! When he's not working on the truck, or doing his paperwork, he's so tired he sleeps! So, I've basically come to the conclusion that I am married to a phone, as that is the only time I get to actually TALK to him!

The only plans we have this weekend however, is that we are going to the Worship Center tonight, then church tomorrow, dropping off Logan and getting Jeff ready to get back on the road! I am doing some of his laundry today....but if he doesn't bring it in from the truck, I am a little confused on how I am supposed to do it? Then he just complains the truck smells like dirty socks...hmmmmm. IMAGINE THAT! LOL

Well friends, that's about all I have for today! Hope this finds everyone well!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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