Sunday, March 16, 2008

Landlords...a good thing?

WELL! We have been totally consumed with painting/fixing/cleaning, etc! That rental is a MESS! (Was...) How do people stand to live like that? It stunk so bad in there, I couldn't wait to get the paint out so I could smell that!!! Unfortunately, the people that we thought we had it rented to, decided that staying in town would be better for them, so it's back to showing the place! UGH! I really liked them too!! DAMMIT! Sarah-if you are reading...GRRRRRRRRRR! LOL
Jeff & I took Shawn & his girlfriend out for dinner last night, we had a good time! I was exhausted, so probably more snappy than usual. I wanted to stay home, but wanted to see Shawn & Sam worse than I wanted to stay home alone! The kids were both gone. I wanted to sleep in this morning, but my husband, my sweet, dear, adorable PUNK husband is an early riser and we had to get working on the trailer a whole lot earlier than I wanted to be awake! THEN, once awake, realized I didn't have coffee creamer or sweetner, so had to drive to Martelle to get my caffeine boost! UGH! Poor Jeff! Dealing with me in the morning isn't fun to begin with-with no coffee right away-YIKES! LOL!!!
I can't believe that Easter is next weekend already! JEEZ! I do have some of my plants started and they are doing long as I can manage to keep the cats out of them!
Jeff's plates are due on the, he has to drive to Des Moines on Tuesday and pay that huge bill so he can get back on the road! Also, the alternator went out in the big truck, so he still has to replace that before he can take off again! I am not complaining, I am enjoying having him home!!! (Except in the damn morning!!!!!) LOL
Well, I am exhausted, so will keep it short for today! If anyone is looking to rent a mobile home....send them my way!
Hope everyone is happy & healthy!
God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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