Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I finally made it online at home! YAY! I am discovering how much I hate dial-up and will get DSL as SOON as possible, but for now, this works!

Mandy is home sick, and has been all week! She babysat Saturday night and the little boy had some sort of virus, so she got it! I am sure I'm next! UGH! This particular one includes sore throat, high fever, body aches & headache. Yay....can't wait!

Jeff is in Colorado, I hate it when he goes to CO, because I WANNA GO! He's now heading for TX and I am really jealous now! GRRR! I think he's going to work through the weekend, so I am very glad I finally got online! I can at least check emails!

Well, I had court today for the tenants from hell! Even though they are totally gone now, the judge gave it another 5 days! SO, I can't get in there to start anything until Monday. JEEZ! I am starting to second guess this whole landlord thing! I am considering making that trailer the Whitaker Trucking office and not have to worry about it! It would be a tax write-off for the business and we wouldn't have to go through all this crap!

Well, I hope this finds everyone well! (Stay away from sick people!!!)

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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