Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hello all! Sorry it's been a few days! Been BUSY! Jeff was home until yesterday, which after he's home that long, it makes me even sadder when he goes. Back to being married to a phone call! :(
We had really good Easter! We went to my Dad & Mom's and had dinner, almost the whole family was there! It was a packed house, but it is so fun over there...no one fights, it might be loud, but it's always that of laughter! Mom made in incredible dinner! I am going after leftovers today! Tee-hee, like I need them! But, with like 25 people (and that's missing 2 of the families!) you need a lot of food! LOL! After my Dad's we stopped into Jeff's sister's house. Got to play with "The little fighter" (Alex) and Nick for awhile, but then Jared called and he was on his way home from Joe's and we had locked the house, so we had to take off. Gert (Jeff's mom) is doing awesome! Thanks to all for your continued prayers! She is by-passing the time the doc's gave her and doesn't seem to be failing in health! I still say she's not sick, she just wanted company all the time! LOL
Well.....Logan is with me this week. For those of you who know his dad-he is gone now. Logan is not taking it so well, so I do ask for prayers for my little man, as I would hate to see depression set in.
We are STILL working on that damn rental! It is like the movie "Money Pit"!!!! The renter must have shoved everything she could find down the kitchen sink, as we cannot seem to get it unclogged! I don't predict it being done by the first of the month...especially with Jeff gone! The painting is VERY close to being done, a little trim & touch-up and we'll be done. Still need to get the carpet laid in one of the bedrooms as well. I can't like this Landlord biz. Nope, not right now! UGH! I pray that we get "Normal" people in there!!!!
Well, I am off to the doc, so I better close! (not sick, just some edema going on, so just a med check)
Hope you are all well!
God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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