Monday, March 3, 2008

One last post before the computer disappears for the week!

Hello to all! I figured while the computer is still home, I'd post one last time to sum up the weekend!
Jared finally made it home around noon after a weekend at a friend's. Mandy's weekend was full of babysitting and she's taken up a Scrabble match with Marissa (our dear neighbor). It's good for her! Logan went home today, and Mandy & I put the house back in order. For a little man, he can make big messes! GRRRR! LOL!
I did forget to mention earlier that I FINALLY met my wonderful, beautiful niece Zoe! She is absolutely perfect! I got to feed her and do a little "auntie bonding". She did decide that I must be officially initiated into being her Aunt, cuz she pooped on me! LOL! I've had 3 babies, so it's really not a big deal, just funny! She's a very quiet, good baby and I look forward to spending time with her, my other niece Lily and nephew Josiah as much as possible...oh ya-and you Dani! LOL! I guess the Mom comes with the kids? Once the weather is more stable, I would love to go and have a few hours a week with them, and visit with my sister! She is younger than I am, but so much wiser in so many ways! Every time we are together, we figure out more and more that we have in common! It's been a lot of fun, and as much as I adore being an aunt....being a big sister is just as rewarding! I would post a picture of my beautiful niece, but I am not sure it's appropriate to put someone else's baby on the internet! Just take my word for it.....cuz I'm not bias or anything! LOL!

Jeff will be off and gone early in the morning, and I dread it already. I am praying that he someday finds a "circle" route that would take him in and out of Chicago everyday and be home nightly....but that is going to be pure luck on that one! For now, I get my phone calls and eventually, MY computer WILL work! After spending all that money getting it dial-up ready and it STILL doesn't work.....I am seriously thinking of gutting it and using it for a planter! GRRRR!

I had a chance to speak to Jeff's Mom tonight! She's settled in with Dawn & Dave and loving every second of being with Alex (The Little Fighter!) He's so funny, and at such a fun age! I think he'll keep her young and prolong her life just because she enjoys him so much! But, Ma sounds good, feels good and is in no pain whatsoever! I told her again, she's not really sick and if she wanted constant company, she just needed to tell us! I DO believe that the 6-9months that they gave her will come and go, and we'll still have her around! She's just a natural fighter I guess!

I also had a wonderful email from, well, I guess he's my former Uncle-in-Law. (Jay's Uncle). He's a wonderful Old Goat and I enjoy every time I see an email from him! The kids adore him, as do I and after 13 years of marriage to Jay-you can't just erase one of the family members! :) This goes out to you Uncle Rich-We love you very much and BE GOOD! (He really won't be good, but I have to at least try!)

Well all, I guess that's all I have for the weekend! I hope this finds everyone happy & healthy!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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