Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hello! Well, Jeff didn't make it home for the weekend, so I was stuck here, all alone. (poor me...lol) The kids were off helping Jamie move, so I decided it was a good time to.....paint my bedroom! UGH! I got the room emptied out, all by myself, then got it all primed by 3:00 a.m. Got up Sunday and started in on the ceiling, then the walls, I put in 14 hours on Sunday alone! I was SO sore and SO swollen, I felt like an 80yr old woman! LOL, then, today (Monday) I put in another 9 or 10 hours! STILL NOT DONE! LOL, I decided to wash all the clothes in the closet and not smoke in the bedroom anymore, so I have a ton left to do yet! AND, haven't even done the trim! LOL!!!! Jeff came home tonight just in time to meet a couple that was looking at the trailer....and we rented it out! YAY! They seem to be really nice people, and had a great reference from their landlords! I am so excited! HOWEVER-when my neighbor, Marissa, and I went in there this morning, the STINK was so bad I wanted to gag! It was (is) absolutely filthy! How can people do so much damage to a place in a year? I have my work cut out for me over there, that's for sure! I am even letting the new people pick out the colors, I mean heck, they have to live there! We got to pick them out here.
Tonights post is going to be a short one, as it's very late and I am exhausted! I will post again this week, promise! (I tend to get yelled at a bit if I don't at least once-twice a week! LOL)
Hope everyone is HEALTHY!
God Bless,
The Trucker's Wife

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