Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another midweek visit!

Wow! Another midweek visit from my hubby! He's on his way through Iowa and decided to sleep at home tonight! Unfortunately, I am not feeling all that well. I don't know if I ate something bad, or if I have a tummy virus or something. So, the goofball won't even kiss me! :(

I decided to put Jeff's company in the phone book! I got the current book in the mail the other day, glancing at the "Trucking" heading and realized we needed to be there! So, I called a girlfriend of mine and put an ad in for the next book in the area coming out, and will plan to also do the local book as well! I can't believe after working for a phone book for 7 years, I forgot about getting him in there! DUH! Oh well, it's done now! LOL

The kids are good, not much school this week due to the weather and drifting roads, I think they'll be in school til the 4th of July! HA! Logan called tonight and wants me to come get him tomorrow as they don't have school Friday. So, I will go get him after I get to the courthouse to file papers to evict the tenants! I will also hopefully have my computer internet ready by tomorrow night! I hate being cut out of the outside world! UGH!

Well, I really don't have much more tonight-I hope everyone is well!

God Bless!
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Reader Poll

If my readers would like to choose something they would like to read about most-you'll notice I've added a poll to the side under the pictures! Please feel free to vote!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Time keeps on ticking....but where the heck is Spring???

Another week gone by, and we're expecting MORE snow. ICK. Dozer is about the only one in the family that loves it-with ALL of his breeds (he is a mix of Alaskan Husky, Yellow Lab, Golden Retriever & get this.....St. Bernard!), this is his kind of weather! He stays outside all day and when he does come in-he wants back out! JEEZ! Crazy dog.

Today, Jared & I took down some cabinets that separated the kitchen & living room....WOW, what a difference! It makes the space seem SO much bigger! If I could take out the cupboards underneath, without having to redo the flooring, I'd do that too! Now, I REALLY need to paint the ceiling where it was, along with a small part of the wall. But, I can deal with that for awhile....well, a few days anyway! LOL I am just enjoying the open feeling right now!

I've tried ALL week to get on the internet with my PC, but it has to go to the computer doctor. After all the money Jeff dumped into it-the damn thing doesn't even have an internal modem! DUH! So, I guess it will only cost about 50 to get me on the internet with it.....MORE than worth it! I will be connected with the outside world again during the week! YAY!

The tenants haven't yet moved out, supposed to be gone by tomorrow night. THEN, I will be staying busy for a week or two! I forgot to call the paper and get an ad in, but will do it first thing Monday. Then, off to buy paint and cleaning crap & radio in tow, I'll be next door! They were smokers, so I am sure I'll have to paint the ceiling and all. Any volunteers? LOL!!!! But, one good thing, I will need to rent a rug doctor, so I can do my own as well!
Well, I think that's about all for now-hope you are all well!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Midweek Surprise!

I love it when my trucker makes it home midweek! He makes me smile! Even brought me a little gift, and who says truckers aren't romantics? I for one, love hearing the truck running outside the trailer! I tend to sleep better...? He did get pulled over today however! LOL, the D.O.T. caught him doing 62 in a 55..hmmmmm. Imagine this-he only got a warning! A female officer, and Jeff is a natural flirt! What a punk! (Though I AM glad he didn't get a ticket!) And lucky for him, he had just updated all his paperwork (log book, etc) so everything was in order.

Ok, did anyone see that Lunar Eclipse??? What an awesome sight! I had an appointment in town tonight, so I had the privilege of watching it the whole way home! Amanda took some pictures, but I haven't had the time to get them on the computer yet! If they turn out, I will be sure to post them!

Well, if anyone knows of someone looking for a place to rent...send them my way! We had to evict our current tenants and will now be advertising the trailer that we own, on this same property. The kids & I will get in there as soon as we can to clean, paint and make sure all is working then we can hopefully move someone in soon!!! I will be putting an ad in the paper this weekend. This landlord stuff is all new to me, so a little scary! And it's "Whitaker's World" to have to evict our first tenants! UGH! Thank goodness the people we bought this place from are awesome and are helping me out with the legalities and keeping things in order! We are only about 25 minutes outside of the city, so it's very peaceful and not a bad commute! :)

I have been doing absolutely nothing the past few days! I did have to take my neighbor in to get her car, as she drives on what might as well be racing slicks, LOL, so she has no traction! I followed her home and I think I should have gone ahead of her to clear a path through the drifted highways! It was kind of funny watching her little Corolla going through them, then coming out in a fish tail! Tee-Hee, SORRY Marissa! I was then sick yesterday, down with a fever...ick. Headache (from HELL!), sore throat and body aches...but, slept until 1:00 today and felt better once I woke up! I feel a little better, but headache is not as intense, yet, my throat is just so dry.

Well, I suppose that is all I have for today! I hope this finds everyone HEALTHY! and most important-SAFE!!!!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

Sunday, February 17, 2008

No-he's not scared!

The tractor in the ditch should have been our first clue! DUH!
Well, being married to a Trucker-it should not have surprised me when he suggested we take a road trip to the a blizzard! We had to take Logan home anyway, but going the extra 30miles West...ummm, maybe could have waited until, jeez, I don't know- tomorrow! At some points, there was a few miles
where we were in a total white out! With...NO SHOULDER! LOL!
But, being married to a trucker, no fear of the roads! UGH!
Although, we DID get to see the beauty of the storm as well! This is a winter that reminds me of when I was a kid! I am MORE than ready for spring-don't get me wrong! But, this is a TRUE Iowa winter! The kids don't have school I will have to deal with them complaining about how bored they are! I'm sure with the winds coming, we will lose the dish!
I don't think through our whole road trip we went over 30mph, so at least Jeff is safe about it! I only got nervous once or twice, but we made it!
I was saddened today that we didn't get plowed out early enough for church! I didn't get to see Zoe's dedication...I hope that my sister took pictures!
Well, that's about all, it has been a pretty uneventful weekend! Hope everyone stays SAFE on those roads!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Still hangin' in here!

Hello all! Well, another week gone by! Every week that passes is one closer to spring! YAY! The winter blahs have overcome me it seems, and I have been trying to act like a bear and sleep A LOT! This week, I did get some work done around the house, moved the living room around-that always seems to help...even the slightest bit of change! Today, we went to Jeff's mom's house and picked up a desk, and it works well in the living room now!! But, there are a few more things she wants us to have- I will find the room. It's so awesome having My Trucker home! I find myself missing him more every week that he's gone! I wonder if I will ever get used to having him gone all week? After all, we ARE still newlyweds! The end of this month will be 4 months! He brought me home my of those GIANT cards & a cute teddy bear! What a sweetheart I have! He even knew better than to bring me candy-as he knows I am trying to drop about 15 lbs!!!! GOOD BOY!

I did have a request on an update from my old blog....The Little Fighter! Alex, is doing WONDERFUL! It seems all that oxygen he received has made him TOO intelligent! He celebrated his first birthday in October and is cute as it gets! LOL, glad he's my nephew and not MINE! LOL!!! I thank you ALL for all your prayers for the little man, he's healthy as can be! Prayer DOES work! :) We actually had the opportunity to see him today while at Jeff's Mom's and I got him to giggle within a few minutes....I always KNEW I was funny looking! LOL! He's scared to death of Jeff....but he warms up to him after a bit.

Jamie has bought herself a mobile home! I'm so excited for her! She and her boy Keaton will be very comfy there, and closer to Keaton's school! I haven't had a chance to talk to her much, as she's not been feeling well (who IS????) and when she does feel well, she is working on painting & new carpet for the trailer! And, then, if she's healthy and not busy, I am sick or busy!

We have Logan this weekend, and since becoming an actual "teenager", he is "All That!" LOL! Jeff & I took him to lunch today and he said "I am finally a teenager, but STILL the baby!" Little goofball! I will go and watch him wrestle this Tuesday.....UGH. However, after the meet, I am going to go and "babysit" Jeff's mom! I am very excited to have some time with her! Today, she seemed to be Wearing out easily and I did notice her memory is fading quicker & quicker.

Tomorrow, we will go and see my niece Zoe Ireland be dedicated to the church! I am SO excited to finally meet her! That is IF I am feeling well, tonight my tummy seems upset and it seems the body aches are setting in.....NO! I refuse! LOL! But, that poor baby has been ill, and after many tests, including a spinal tap, they found out she had an intestinal infection. Ick! Very scary, but at least they figured it out and she's on a good path to being healthy!

Well, time to snuggle up with My Trucker and watch a movie! I am in the process of trying to get MY computer up and running so that I can Blog more often and be in touch with the world!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

Monday, February 11, 2008


Here are the beautiful roses my Betty brought me....I thought I'd share with all and say Happy Valentines Day!

God Bless
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I had just gotten started!

I know! I had just gotten started and Jeff takes the computer out in the truck for a WEEK! GRRR! This would be an example of life in my world! In addition to no computer, I also had no car-the alternator went out. So, with the storm as well, I had no tv (satellite!), my cell went bonkers, no car, no computer. Talk about feeling STRANDED! My wonderful neighbor helped me out with a ride for smokes (I have my priorities!!) LOL, well, I needed coffee as well! But, I made it through, almost done with the blanket I am crocheting and managed to get all the roses Jeff has ever given me preserved & framed!
I mentioned last week that Amanda has a new "love"....well, stick my foot in my mouth! She got her little heart broke this week! In the meantime, Jared took on a new girlfriend! UGH! The one thing I have decided is to NOT try to predict them! (Especially publicly-such as a Blog! LOL)

I did have a wonderful surprise this week! A friend of mine drove all the way out here...IN A STORM! and brought me 3 beautiful roses! The card said "One for each year we've been friends" What a sweetie!!! They are gorgeous-one pink, one lavender and one white! I love them! And I fully intend to preserve them, and frame them as well! She is expecting this summer, and I think I am more excited for baby than she is! LOL

Well, I promised updates on extended families! I'll start with mine!
Many of you know of Troy & my mom. Well, they have decided to eliminate me from their lives, so there is really nothing more I am choosing to say on that subject.
In late September, Jeff & I were married in my dad's back yard! It was absolutely wonderful! Vicky (I'll refer to her as Mom) made my day exceptionally special! I am working on getting a couple of wedding pictures on here-my 2 brothers, Nathan & Christopher, as well as my sister Dani were also there to make our day awesome! But, from my side (well, other than my kids of course!) that was all that I had...and all that I needed! My Dad & Mom's yard was so perfect for a small wedding! We had a BLAST! Laughed the entire day. Isn't that what it is all supposed to be anyway, a lot of fun?!?! My brother-in-law Derek, Dani's hubby, married us, which made it extra special. Jamie was there of course! I think she cried through the whole service! HA! Jeff's sisters Dawn & her kids were there, Ann & of course Mackenzie were also there. And Jeff's Mom was naturally there, and we all had a really great time! We honeymooned at Lake Wisconsin in the best 70's flashback cabin!!! It was a lot of fun and we even made it up to the Dells for a day!
As for Mom & Dad, they are doing well, Mom is working as she always does at tax time and Dad is planning to retire in October! He knows as well as all of us kids however....we'll all keep him busy with projects!
Update on Jeff's side...
Jeff's Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in October. At that time, they had given her 6-9 months. I believe in the power of prayer, and don't believe that God would give me such an awesome mother-in-law and then take her from me so soon! She is not in pain, but is to be with someone 24/7, in case of a fall. She tends to have short-term memory loss, but she is doing well! I've asked many for prayers, and will continue to ask for that!
Jeff's niece, Mackenzie, who lived with us during 2007, has moved back to town and is attending her old school. She can be closer to her mom that way, and is with her friends. Upon her leaving, I felt as if I was losing one of my own children! It broke my heart, and caused a "kink" in the family, but we'll work that little kink out!

Around Christmas time, I made a special trip into the office that I worked at for 7 years, talk about awkward! I walked those halls for so many years, and then after 1 1/2yrs, to walk through there again was for sure WEIRD! I had lunch with 3 of the ladies that I worked with everyday, and had a very short, but very nice visit
with them! I must say-I had fun, saw a lot of people that I had missed seeing on a daily basis (and even a few faces I could have done without LOL)! I stopped at a very dear friend's desk and talked for quite a long time, it was incredible to see her! I really must stress to everyone-don't let those that you love slip from your lives! This life is way too short for harboring harsh/ugly feelings and regrets! A big giant hug from an old friend can be so healing! In so many ways! I don't intend to stay away quite as long this time! I really enjoyed my lunch and catch-up time!

Well, I have rambled plenty tonight! I am not sure as to when I will get another chance on the computer, so don't give up on me! LOL

God Bless to ALL!
A.K.A. The Truckers Wife

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

An update to get started....

Hello to all! I have decided to start my writings again, I hope you all enjoy! I will start with updates on the kids & Jeff! Shawn is graduating college this spring and plans to head onto graduate school! So, between school & his gal, he stays pretty busy! Jeff, Shawn's mom, and myself are all VERY proud of him!! Jared is keeping busy with school work and the occasional trip to town with friends. He is girlfriend-free right now and plans to stay that least until after Valentines Day! LOL Scott is doing well in school and is keeping himself busy with that as well as his Friday nights are planned out for video games with friends. Amanda has a new love, a wee bit older than she is, but we do like him! She finds herself busy with school, babysitting and "date" nights with Landon. There is one piece of big news with Amanda-Jeff will be adopting her legally! She is very excited and has already started to practice signing her new name! Logan is still living with his dad and has joined the wrestling team (NOT Mom's favorite sport...) but he's very excited about it! And Mom will truck through the ice & snow to go and watch him! I suppose that's why we own a 4-wheel drive!

Since putting in a new engine in Jeff's truck, he's been keeping the wheels rolling! The weather has slowed him down a bit this week, but has been driving hard since the beginning of the year!
We did have to put down our Elk. We had lost the 2 bulls & 1 bull-calf to a copper deficiency, so, after long consideration and tons of prayer-the right thing to do was to sell the 2 babies we had left and butchered out the females. After testing, found they were healthy.....enough to eat! YUM! We will again someday get a new herd, just too much going on in our lives for them right now. And for now-we have a freezer full of meat to keep us for awhile!

I have been keeping busy with crocheting. Keeps my mind occupied and time passes quickly. Being cooped up all winter has started to wear on me, thank God spring is just around the corner! I have been trying to decide which corner of the house I am going to fill up with starter plants for the garden, as well as planning plant placement for this year. I am thinking that after the awesome turn out of last years garden, this year I am going to extend it probably 10 feet! I will also be taking advantage of my mom's knowledge in the kitchen and do some canning this season!
I have also been puttering with some other of my crafty things, if you know me, you know how I love to do my wreaths & other arrangements!

My little sister Dani has just recently had her baby, Zoe Ireland! (isn't that a beautiful name!) I, however, have yet to see her! The "ick" that we have all been passing around has kept me from her, I am hopeful I'll get to see her before she starts preschool! LOL In looking at her pictures however, she looks an awful lot like Logan did when he was born! Nice and plump!

Jamie, my life-long best friend has been doing well! We keep each other entertained with the daily things that come our way. Though she is only 12 miles away, we do not see each other very often, but usually yak once or twice a day-keeping each other sane!!!

Dozer, our over-grown puppy just turned 1 year old and officially weighs in at 102 lbs! He craves attention and devours the largest bones I can buy! Morris & Tinker Bell keep him busy-taunting him ever chance they get!

I will be adding pictures over the next few days, so I hope that you all will check back in with me! I will, as time allows, also be filling everyone in on our extended families! I am excited to start blogging again, as I have missed writing! I plan to update as the entertainment rolls in; which in some cases is daily! I've found that in Whitaker's world...nothing stays the same for more than a day!

God Bless,
The Trucker's Wife!