Monday, June 30, 2008

So Long

Hello all. Well, also good-bye. It seems no matter what I say on here, I seem to upset one particular person. I have decided to stop writing about what's new with us. If I cannot freely write, then what's the point. Feeling guarded just makes it no fun. For those of you that do enjoy what I write, I apologize.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What a day! I'm exhausted. For Jared's birthday, I took him to lunch, got him shoes & 2 CD's. We had a really good time! It was nice just the two of us hanging out. I'm still trying to remember when I gave that boy permission to grow up! He starts his new job tomorrow, and pretty excited about it I think. Well, if nothing else, he's excited to make money! LOL! Atta boy! Nothing really new with Logan & Mandy. They are just enjoying their summer-rarely in the house!

Jeff had quite a day. He got up this morning and bought a scratch ticket in WI, a winner! I NEVER win! Got a call from a guy that offered him a short-term local job. THEN-he's truckin' along and blows a tire, which took out a huge amount of wiring! Everything from the air bags, engine & trailer! He was stuck on the shoulder of an interstate for quite some time under the truck! If he wouldn't have known how to fix it, it could have been thousands of dollars! This is definitely not a lazy mans job!

We are in the middle of a property line dispute right now. Ugh. We finally had to hire a lawyer. All the measurements we got from the county line up with where we think the line is-but for whatever reason-these people think the county is "stupid & lazy" and "just wrong". I refuse to hire a surveyor-we shouldn't have to since they are the ones with the problem! The atty. said not to until we absolutely have to. These people even went so far as to put up some sort of fence-on OUR land! The didn't even bother to "Call before they dug". Yep-they hit lines! I'm sure they'll throw a fit when then get that bill!!

Well, that's about it for today! Hope everyone is well!!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's wife

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hello! Not too much new here. Just can't seem to stop watching the flood news & have plans to go help a friend today who just gained entry to his home. What a MESS! I thought about posting pictures on here, but everyone has seen so many, I won't. For those of you not in the Cedar Rapids area-just know that we must pray for those affected by this. Pray that the people keep their spirits up, and remember that we must go forward. Driving by Ellis Blvd yesterday, saw someone painted on the front of their home "God help us" SO TRUE!

We went to Mom's birthday party last night! We had a good time and were able to just enjoy ourselves and relax and catch up on everyone! It was good to see everybody!! Seeing all the kids that I haven't seen for awhile just made me feel old though! Yikes!

Jared found a job! Actually, a good job! He will be working full time for the summer, but will have to stay at his Dad's for a ride. It'll be good for him! He should have money to get a pretty decent car in a month or so! I'm happy for him-but will miss him like crazy! He turns 18 next week-so he's coming home for the weekend. What DO you get an 18 year old?? Mandy has been busy so far this summer babysitting. She has grown up so much this past year. When we DO see her, she's a lot of fun to be around! Logan has been busy staying with Jeff's sister & helping her prepare for a family reunion. He learned to lay bricks, transfer plants & plant grass seed. Dawn said he "worked for his food" LOL! Good for her! She knows how to wear a kid out! Atta girl Dawn!

Well, can't think of much more going on right now! Hope everyone is happy & healthy!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The trucker's wife

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My boys!

And away they go! The boys left for the road, and Logan insisted I get a picture! He's having a blast! Last night, they fought over space in the bunk....I think Logan won! Yesterday, they ran with Jeff's life-long buddy Steve. He told Jeff that taking a 13 year old is sort of like taking a puppy-you have to make sure to stop to potty and let him run! LOL! Jeff's not having any problems finding things for Logan to do though! He was cleaning the windows the last time he called! By weeks end, the truck should be nice and clean for me to go next week! HAHA!

God Bless!
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Here ya go D.P.!!!!

Hello all! I know-been a LONG time! We've just been "truckin' " along trying to stay ahead of fuel prices! ICK! I am officially convinced, Jeff runs just to put fuel in that beast! My very dear friend asked that I post, as she doesn't feel caught up on us! Here ya go sweets!

We lost Jeff's mom to cancer on May 17th. Last October, she was given 6-9 months. We were blessed with her for 7 months. She was fairly pain-free and didn't feel/appear to be terminally ill until the last week of her life. Jeff's sister, Dawn, and her husband Dave cared for her and her last months were filled with grandkids and enjoyment! Then, right before Mother's Day, she "went away" so to speak. They admitted her into the hospice wing on the Monday after Mother's Day, and she was gone that next Saturday. Jeff & I spent that Monday evening with her, she only had one true lucid moment, but otherwise not there. Jeff's baby sister, Ann, spent the rest of the week with her as Jeff & Dawn couldn't. We feel she was blessed, as the good Lord took her mind before her body suffered. Dawn & Gert had everything very organized and we were able to celebrate her life and enjoy family time.

The baby brats! Starting with the oldest...
Shawn graduated college in May! Jeff & Justine as well as myself are very proud of him! He paid his own way through school and graduated with a Double Major in Physics and Economics, and a Minor in Math. He will continue at ISU-working towards his PhD. He works when not going to school.
Jared is a Senior in H.S.!! YIKES! When did that happen? He will be working the summer with his step-mom and plans to get some wheels. After high school-he would like to continue his education at an Art School, still trying to decide I think. He is spending as much time with his buddy Andy as he can until he will start work.
Scott will be a Junior in the fall. He is spending some time with his grandparents for a couple weeks. We don't get to see Scotty as much as we'd like though.
Amanda will also be a Junior this year. She's constantly babysitting, saving money for her own car. She did very well in school this year, and is on her way to a short senior year!
Logan is out in the truck right now! Yes, I am jealous! He has been having some issues that he needs a firm hand on, and this will be good for him. The only thing he wanted to do was see Chicago-and is there already today!

As for my side of the family-Mom will be 60 this month! She's having a party and I'm excited to see everyone! As far as I know, Dad is still planning to retire in the fall. Haven't really caught up with everyone lately...I need to make a point of it! My step-sister Tina is taking one of the kittens...I hope! I'll take pictures with me to the birthday party and let her choose! Haven't seen Dani or the kids since before Gertie passed, so really need to get on that! SLACKER????

Amanda's cat had kittens, on the day of Gertie's wake! We came home to 5 tiny kitties! We have picked out one and her name will be Gertie Mae. It seems appropriate since they were born while at the funeral home. We felt it was God's way of giving some happiness in a very unhappy moment. The kittens are now driving me crazy, and I am counting down the weeks until they are gone! Dozer would sure like to get a hold of them! We let him sniff Gertie Mae, and in one swipe, she's soaking wet! ICK! We are planning to fence in the yard in the next couple of weeks so that Dozer can run and be a puppy! At the last vet visit-he weighed in at 117lbs! UGH! So much for PUPPY!

Well, I think that will catch you all up! I will try to make a point of getting on here more often!

God Bless!
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jeez! I forget....

Sorry! I tend to forget when Jeff has the computer home that I need to Blog! We get so busy with projects and kids and other things that I usually get to answer emails and that's about all I have time for!
Well, I guess I will start with the kids. Logan: He is now living with us full time as of today. Although, he happens to be staying at Aunt Dawn's tonight, we stopped over to see Ma and Nick JUST got home when we were ready to leave, and the poor kid just cried because Logan was leaving right away. So, why not! Dawn is awesome with kids, keeps them in line! So, my car is still crammed with Logan's stuff and will be until he gets here to bring it in! LOL! Mandy has been babysitting a lot and loves those kids SO much! She just goes over there to hang out with them-went bowling with them today and had a blast. Jared-he's just Jared! I have to keep on him about homework, but for some dumb reason, he does NOT study for tests and does better when he doesn't! I can't believe he's going to be a Senior next year already! Well-same with Mandy! She'll be a Jr.!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!! I did NOT give them permission to grow up! :(
Scott is doing well, very well in school! We don't get to see him much, but try to take him to see Jeff's mom with us after church. Shawn just moved in with his girlfriend! We really like her, she's a sweetie! He is graduating this spring! T & I are trying to plan the party.
My hubby....SLEEPING!
That is why I happen to have time tonight to sit down and write! LOL! He won't give up the remote though, he wakes up every 10-15 minutes and changes the channel. What a weirdo! Mandy couldn't resist taking a picture. He gives her so much teasing, she has to get him back somehow! Diesel prices are about killing us! I think he puts more money into the truck than he brings home! No-wait-I KNOW he does! He did participate in the April 1st not truckin' day! I was kind of shocked, as he is usually not a part of that kind of stuff. He even called all his trucker buddies that were truckin' and gave them crap! LOL! But, nothing like that will work unless the truckers seriously ALL get together and shut down for about a week. With no freight moving, maybe someone would get the hint! UGH!
The trailer is still VACANT! I'm going nuts. Don't know what happened, but I decided to paint the damn bathroom...yep, added more work for myself! DUH AMY!
Jamie: She's doing pretty good! Well, other than she hurt her back and needs to STAY OFF HER FEET! that's like telling a bird not to fly! She's so particular about her home, that she just can't sit still. I wish I had her energy!
Myself...well-nothing really new! Except at that last Dr appointment, they decided I have some sort of heart condition, which I don't quite believe at this point. I have been fighting my Thyroid for years, and I think it's that. Time to kill it I guess. I have just been stubborn, as I know most people gain weight after it. But, I haven't been feeling good-at all. When I get up, I get dizzy, see spots & feel very weak. Dozer has caught me a couple of times (with all his breeds, it's in his blood!), and Jared & Mandy have A LOT! Jamie DID remind me I am hypoglycemic. Which, I do tend to forget to eat somedays.
I can't WAIT till this weather starts to warm up! Where the hell is this Global Warming anyway????? I want to be outdoors, working in my garden! I am also creating a little "serenity" spot back in the corner of our yard and want to get going on it! I watch HGTV daily so I have a ton of ideas, which I will probably forget before the weather warms up! (A smarter person would write them down! LOL) Trying to talk Jeff into a pond...he's convinced it's not going to happen....HA! I do have some things starting to pop up and hope they make it through this week, I think we'll be ok after that. I have quite a bit to split off and take to Jamie's, as well as Marissa (my neighbor) AND try to give the other trailer a little "curb appeal"!!! Jeff is just waiting for mushrooms! JEEZ! One track mind! Forget the flowers, give that man a mushroom hunt and he's happy! (I will be too if we find any! YUM!)
Update on Jeff's mom. Not so good. She has started to occasionally cough up blood. This means the cancer is progressing and when it gets to the point where the blood doesn't stop, then it will go quickly. She is not in any pain-and that is our only prayer at this point. She has her funeral planned. Everything is in order and she's ready to go be with the Lord. The only thing she doesn't have set is the music, which I will take over some options and see what she likes. I have quite a few in mind-to celebrate her life and the fact that she will be with Jesus!
Well, I suppose that is about all for tonight! I will try to remember to get on here more often!
Love to all!
God Bless,
a.k.a. The (broke) Trucker's Wife

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hello all! Sorry it's been a few days! Been BUSY! Jeff was home until yesterday, which after he's home that long, it makes me even sadder when he goes. Back to being married to a phone call! :(
We had really good Easter! We went to my Dad & Mom's and had dinner, almost the whole family was there! It was a packed house, but it is so fun over one fights, it might be loud, but it's always that of laughter! Mom made in incredible dinner! I am going after leftovers today! Tee-hee, like I need them! But, with like 25 people (and that's missing 2 of the families!) you need a lot of food! LOL! After my Dad's we stopped into Jeff's sister's house. Got to play with "The little fighter" (Alex) and Nick for awhile, but then Jared called and he was on his way home from Joe's and we had locked the house, so we had to take off. Gert (Jeff's mom) is doing awesome! Thanks to all for your continued prayers! She is by-passing the time the doc's gave her and doesn't seem to be failing in health! I still say she's not sick, she just wanted company all the time! LOL
Well.....Logan is with me this week. For those of you who know his dad-he is gone now. Logan is not taking it so well, so I do ask for prayers for my little man, as I would hate to see depression set in.
We are STILL working on that damn rental! It is like the movie "Money Pit"!!!! The renter must have shoved everything she could find down the kitchen sink, as we cannot seem to get it unclogged! I don't predict it being done by the first of the month...especially with Jeff gone! The painting is VERY close to being done, a little trim & touch-up and we'll be done. Still need to get the carpet laid in one of the bedrooms as well. I can't like this Landlord biz. Nope, not right now! UGH! I pray that we get "Normal" people in there!!!!
Well, I am off to the doc, so I better close! (not sick, just some edema going on, so just a med check)
Hope you are all well!
God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife