Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hello! Not too much new here. Just can't seem to stop watching the flood news & have plans to go help a friend today who just gained entry to his home. What a MESS! I thought about posting pictures on here, but everyone has seen so many, I won't. For those of you not in the Cedar Rapids area-just know that we must pray for those affected by this. Pray that the people keep their spirits up, and remember that we must go forward. Driving by Ellis Blvd yesterday, saw someone painted on the front of their home "God help us" SO TRUE!

We went to Mom's birthday party last night! We had a good time and were able to just enjoy ourselves and relax and catch up on everyone! It was good to see everybody!! Seeing all the kids that I haven't seen for awhile just made me feel old though! Yikes!

Jared found a job! Actually, a good job! He will be working full time for the summer, but will have to stay at his Dad's for a ride. It'll be good for him! He should have money to get a pretty decent car in a month or so! I'm happy for him-but will miss him like crazy! He turns 18 next week-so he's coming home for the weekend. What DO you get an 18 year old?? Mandy has been busy so far this summer babysitting. She has grown up so much this past year. When we DO see her, she's a lot of fun to be around! Logan has been busy staying with Jeff's sister & helping her prepare for a family reunion. He learned to lay bricks, transfer plants & plant grass seed. Dawn said he "worked for his food" LOL! Good for her! She knows how to wear a kid out! Atta girl Dawn!

Well, can't think of much more going on right now! Hope everyone is happy & healthy!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The trucker's wife

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