Thursday, June 26, 2008

What a day! I'm exhausted. For Jared's birthday, I took him to lunch, got him shoes & 2 CD's. We had a really good time! It was nice just the two of us hanging out. I'm still trying to remember when I gave that boy permission to grow up! He starts his new job tomorrow, and pretty excited about it I think. Well, if nothing else, he's excited to make money! LOL! Atta boy! Nothing really new with Logan & Mandy. They are just enjoying their summer-rarely in the house!

Jeff had quite a day. He got up this morning and bought a scratch ticket in WI, a winner! I NEVER win! Got a call from a guy that offered him a short-term local job. THEN-he's truckin' along and blows a tire, which took out a huge amount of wiring! Everything from the air bags, engine & trailer! He was stuck on the shoulder of an interstate for quite some time under the truck! If he wouldn't have known how to fix it, it could have been thousands of dollars! This is definitely not a lazy mans job!

We are in the middle of a property line dispute right now. Ugh. We finally had to hire a lawyer. All the measurements we got from the county line up with where we think the line is-but for whatever reason-these people think the county is "stupid & lazy" and "just wrong". I refuse to hire a surveyor-we shouldn't have to since they are the ones with the problem! The atty. said not to until we absolutely have to. These people even went so far as to put up some sort of fence-on OUR land! The didn't even bother to "Call before they dug". Yep-they hit lines! I'm sure they'll throw a fit when then get that bill!!

Well, that's about it for today! Hope everyone is well!!

God Bless,
a.k.a. The Trucker's wife

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