Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Here ya go D.P.!!!!

Hello all! I know-been a LONG time! We've just been "truckin' " along trying to stay ahead of fuel prices! ICK! I am officially convinced, Jeff runs just to put fuel in that beast! My very dear friend asked that I post, as she doesn't feel caught up on us! Here ya go sweets!

We lost Jeff's mom to cancer on May 17th. Last October, she was given 6-9 months. We were blessed with her for 7 months. She was fairly pain-free and didn't feel/appear to be terminally ill until the last week of her life. Jeff's sister, Dawn, and her husband Dave cared for her and her last months were filled with grandkids and enjoyment! Then, right before Mother's Day, she "went away" so to speak. They admitted her into the hospice wing on the Monday after Mother's Day, and she was gone that next Saturday. Jeff & I spent that Monday evening with her, she only had one true lucid moment, but otherwise not there. Jeff's baby sister, Ann, spent the rest of the week with her as Jeff & Dawn couldn't. We feel she was blessed, as the good Lord took her mind before her body suffered. Dawn & Gert had everything very organized and we were able to celebrate her life and enjoy family time.

The baby brats! Starting with the oldest...
Shawn graduated college in May! Jeff & Justine as well as myself are very proud of him! He paid his own way through school and graduated with a Double Major in Physics and Economics, and a Minor in Math. He will continue at ISU-working towards his PhD. He works when not going to school.
Jared is a Senior in H.S.!! YIKES! When did that happen? He will be working the summer with his step-mom and plans to get some wheels. After high school-he would like to continue his education at an Art School, still trying to decide I think. He is spending as much time with his buddy Andy as he can until he will start work.
Scott will be a Junior in the fall. He is spending some time with his grandparents for a couple weeks. We don't get to see Scotty as much as we'd like though.
Amanda will also be a Junior this year. She's constantly babysitting, saving money for her own car. She did very well in school this year, and is on her way to a short senior year!
Logan is out in the truck right now! Yes, I am jealous! He has been having some issues that he needs a firm hand on, and this will be good for him. The only thing he wanted to do was see Chicago-and is there already today!

As for my side of the family-Mom will be 60 this month! She's having a party and I'm excited to see everyone! As far as I know, Dad is still planning to retire in the fall. Haven't really caught up with everyone lately...I need to make a point of it! My step-sister Tina is taking one of the kittens...I hope! I'll take pictures with me to the birthday party and let her choose! Haven't seen Dani or the kids since before Gertie passed, so really need to get on that! SLACKER????

Amanda's cat had kittens, on the day of Gertie's wake! We came home to 5 tiny kitties! We have picked out one and her name will be Gertie Mae. It seems appropriate since they were born while at the funeral home. We felt it was God's way of giving some happiness in a very unhappy moment. The kittens are now driving me crazy, and I am counting down the weeks until they are gone! Dozer would sure like to get a hold of them! We let him sniff Gertie Mae, and in one swipe, she's soaking wet! ICK! We are planning to fence in the yard in the next couple of weeks so that Dozer can run and be a puppy! At the last vet visit-he weighed in at 117lbs! UGH! So much for PUPPY!

Well, I think that will catch you all up! I will try to make a point of getting on here more often!

God Bless!
a.k.a. The Trucker's Wife

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